Thursday, January 12, 2006


I was recently asked the question, "What is your definition of an Artist?". Well I thought about it and as a result of those thoughts I decided to blog. I think an artist is anyone who expresses what is inside them without thought or care of what anyone else thinks. Basically the way you dress, talk or even just live your life can be a form of art. Some people may use a paint brush others a typewriter but in essence it isnt about the medium you use. Its about actually just expressing yourself. Some of you out there might disagree with me for the simple fact that this means that anyone can be an artist. I guess that is my point. Anyone can be an artist if you can simply get over the feelings of insecurity and worrying about what others might be thinking. Stop comparing yourself to others and just live. I like this thought because it means I am capable of being an artist myself. What a beautiful mosaic the world would be if everyone reached inside themselves and then expressed the creativity that is in us all. Of course this could also go bad because what is inside some people is anything but beautiful. But thats another topic for another day. I for one am on a quest to learn to express myself and so free the artist in me.


Blogger Paula said...

Go, Lynette!!

I'm the cheerleader. I'm cheering you on.

who sez that they can't create?
Noooot Lynette!!!

Ok, that was pretty bad. I won't be offended if you don't approve this comment. In fact, I recommend it.

Blogger J T said...

Lynnette, this is boring. tell me who in the hills is getting fat...

Blogger Spoke said...

I KNEW you were a "poet-freak"! I could see it in your eyes. You go deep don't you? DON'T YOU??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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