Thursday, January 19, 2006


So I just went and got my hair cut for the first time in 4 months. (ya its a little difficult when you have a baby) I wanted something that was kind of trendy and not too mommish. I also didnt want to look like a teeny bopper. Well in three hills you have the choice of the lady who puts curlers in old ladies hair, the trendy girl who it takes over a month to get into or the average in between lady. I went for the in between. (I tried the curler lady before and it was nasty. Ive been wearing a ponytail for that last four months to try and hide it) Well this time I walked out looking like a country music singer from the 90's. Grr, is it so hard to give some one a hair cut that isnt old ladyish and isnt too teeny but not too trendy that it is far out bazaar and doesnt take an hour to do in the morning when you usually only have 5 minutes( that is if you skip your shower). Suddenly the hutterite shawl doesnt sound like such a bad idea. Well gotta go try and make myself look somewhat acceptable before my husband comes home. I hate it when he has to try and make up compliments that sound almost like he means it.


Blogger Paula said...

I thought your husband would like the country music singer look.

hee hee

Blogger Braden said...

why'd you bother cutting it in the first place? I haven't cut mine since like May. But hey, you'll see it soon enough, I'm excited, I'll be home in around a month.

Blogger Spoke said...

being a fashion plate myself, I share your frustrations. Fortunately, you're as cute as a bug's ear so even IF you had MY do, it would do.


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