Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I guess I am one of those people who just want to be cool and liked by everyone. Thus I have started my own blog becuase everyone else is doing it.. Thats right, Im a follower. If you've got a problem with that then stop reading my blog. Otherwise welcome to the confessions of a desperate housewife.
Im told that women have a need to use like a gazillion words a day and so this is my attempt to use some of those words up. Its hard to use up all those words when the only people you see all day are your husband and the guy at the post office if you are lucky enough to pick up a parcel or maybe need to buy stamps that day. Even by talking to yourself all day its hard to reach a gazillion. So there you have it.


Blogger Qualityservice44 said...

Hi, Lynette,

I saw you on Jessica's blog (Words Without Reason) & I wanted to check your blog out. I live near Chicago. Hope you get a chance to check out my blog. I'm at

A good blog topic would be about your immediate family, the people you love, your dear daughter & husband. Were you born and raised in Alberta? What do you do for fun?
Are you able to put pictures on your blog?
I really hope you enjoy the blogging experience. :)

Blogger J T said...

Hey lynnette, sup
i'm glad you've joined the world of blog, i too have a site. It's a great outlet for anger and pet peeves. Or just general self-humour. check mine... www.rottingfleshtasteslikecheese.blogspot.com
PS super zing to all for I, Kyle, have been the first to comment on the long awaited Lynneblog.

Blogger J T said...

Uh lynn,
whats with the comments must be checked by you TAKE IT OFF. or i shall unsubscribe

Blogger Stahled said...

Kyle, My blog, My rules!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muwaha! I found your blog (at long last)... I tried stahledonthesideofthehighway, stahledonthesideofthehiway, stahledonthesideoftheroad, stahldonthe... you get the picture. FREEWAY! or motorway, autobahn, streets and paths. nevertheless. welcome to the bloggal.

Blogger Paula said...

Lynette!! Use your words!!! Hooray!

Ok, I have found your blog. Now you can find mine, too. Yippee!

I liked you before you had a blog, by the way.

Blogger toomanywhatifs said...

welcome fellow blogger!! If only we'd had blogs when my kids were babies...all those late night feedings...sigh...

Blogger W said...

i too am trying to get on the blog thing. My problem is there is way more things to do in a day than there is time...if you know what I mean. By the way Kudos to you for being at home with that beautiful daughter of yours. It is a privaledge to be the one they that takes care of them all day long. W


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