Monday, February 06, 2006


I made a new discovery last night.I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the whole freedom in Christ thing. I know that I am not bonded by rules and religious regulations. I dont have to feel guilty if I dont read my bible every day and dont pray every single time I eat something. I make stupid mistakes all the time God doesnt sit up in Heaven shaking his head saying "Lynnette your such an idiot. When will you ever learn". That part of freedom I understood.

The part I didnt see, was that I am also free to love uninhibited. I dont have to hold back in order to protect myself. Let me give an example. There has been times when I felt that I should take a meal to someone but I didnt because I said to myself "What if they dont like my cooking? What if I make the one food that they really hate or are allergic to? What if I dont make enough and they still end up hungry or I make too much and they have left overs for a week so that they are so sick of that food that it will become the new food they really hate?" I can really get myself worked up and it doesnt take me long to talk myself out of doing whatever I thought I was suppose to do. The truth is that really what I am saying is "What if I reach out and screw up? Then they might know that I dont have it all together. They might find out that I am a human being just like everyone else."

So here is where the freedom comes in. I can totally love on someone without fear because it no longer matters what other people think. I am loved by Christ and his opinion is the only one that matters. I dont have to be shy anymore. I can take a leap and talk to someone bacause it doesnt matter if I sound stupid and uneducated or even worse, uncool. I am a child of the King and that makes me untouchable. I can even wear a swimsuit, stretch marks, flab and all. God loves me just the way I am and that makes me free.


Blogger Annacond said...

{hugs} - you hit the nail on the head! reaching out is never a screw-up, in fact it usually ends up totally making the other person's day! and for the record, you aren't even close to sounding uneducated, uncool or stupid. you're a thoughtful caring person, and someone i'm proud to know.

Blogger Paula said...


Woot! I think I want that on a t-shirt or something.

Blogger Paula said...


As a recent recipient of your newly found freedom, I just needed you to know that you totally hit my heart. I sat on the floor and cried after I read your note. Thank you.

Spoke won't share the pie...

Blogger Spoke said...

I'm eating your love offer as I type. Thanx for sharing the heart of may never know how timely it was! Quite like a shot of needed pennicillon.


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