Tuesday, April 25, 2006

rockin in the 80s

The other night we had a surprise 80s party for a friends birthday so I just wanted to share a few hightlights of the evening with you all. Enjoy. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Spoke said...

When I first arrived, I thought I was back in high school. Now I need councelling...again!

Blogger Take 2 said...

What an awesome time!!! You and Mike were the bomb though. Honestly it was so great to see everyone dressed up and having a great time.

I still am a bit afraid of Hulk Hogan....the neighbour across the street actually thought we had a clown over that night.

What a hoot.


Blogger Paula said...

A clown? As in "one" clown? The place was lousy with 'em!

Have you watched "Sixteen Candles" yet? We should have a Molly Ringwald night so you can see who you looked like!

Blogger Paula said...

We missed you last night!! Hope you are OK, not sick or something...

Blogger J T said...

Um eigh...ties...partr...tay? i don't get it. don't all people who live in the country dress like this???

Blogger Take 2 said...

I love the movie 16 candles!! Sounds like a great reason for a date with our big screen, popcorn all kinds of chocolate and junk food and a lovely evening of girls hanging out....

what cha all think....


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