Friday, May 05, 2006

the never ending story

Hello to all you faithful Stahled readers. If you havent checked out the comments on my previous blog, please do. Kyle and Paula have started a fascinating continueing (I have no idea how to spell that word) story to make up for my lost blog. Please add your two bits as I would love to see where this will go.


Blogger Me said...

hehehe... I wish I was creative enough to add to that... It's definatley getting interesting... (I'm at comment 8). It's beginning to drive me nuts wondering what's going to happen next haha.

Blogger J T said...

feel free to add your own thoughts commenter...

Blogger Me said...

haha... I just did! Somebody finally left off with something I could use. I think it was you, kyle t. Thanks!

Blogger Take 2 said...

Because my days are full of hormones as I know yours probabbly are I added my own version of hormones to the story....


Blogger Stahled said...

You story folk are all nuts but I love it. Keep it rolling. Id love to hear what happened to the travelling Dixie band.


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