Thursday, May 25, 2006


What would you do? Alright a little background first. Last fall my husband was skateboarding downtown when a lady walked by who seemed a little lost. She was carrying a new weed wacker and seemed somewhat distressed. She approached my hubby and asked if he would help her put it together. Well he is a sweety(not to be confused with sweaty)and said sure. He put the thing together for her and told her if she needed help with it to let him know. He doesnt recall giving her our phone number though. He never saw her again.
Jump to this week. I get a phone call.
me: hello
phone person: hi
m: hi...
P:I met your husband
p: He's nice
m: I think so...
P: I know you have a baby. I saw you walking and pushing the pram. You smiled at me
m: Im sorry, who is this?
awkward pause....
me: Oh, did he help you with your weed wacker
P: yes
m: soooooo.....
p: I saw you getting out of your car with your baby. You smiled at me
m: What can I do for you?
P: I cant get motivated to mow my lawn. I know your husband works during the day but he said he would help me

Anyways you are starting to get the picture. So our very awkward conversation continues for awhile. This woman seems to know a lot about us and Im a little weirded out. I take her number though and figure we will talk it over and maybe we can help her out. That would be the Christian thing to do right? I dont want her using my husband to do her yard work though just because she doesnt FEEL like doing it herself. Im a little uncomfortable that she knows so much about us but after all, its a small town. At least she doesnt know where we live, right?

20 minutes later there is knock on my door. I go to answer it and here is this tall early 30ish woman standing at the door.
woman: I bet you didnt expect to see me here
me: No
woman: you smiled at me when you were getting out of your car. Do you remember me?
me: sorry no. I like to smile at people...

Thats when she hands me a pair of large pants that she has brought for my husband. "They'll be good for yard work, or skate boarding" "They WILL fit him"
Im not allowed to refuse the pants. Suddenly I do remember this woman. In the winter when we were parking our car in front of the house I was loading up the baby and there was this woman wondering back and forth in front of our house looking a little lost or like she was looking for something. I smiled and said hello to see if she was looking for something and she just scuried off. I didnt think much of it. I came back about 1/2 an hour later and she was still walking up and down our street. Needless to say I am a little freaked out now.
The woman left then but I have a feeling it wont be the last time we'll see her. Im just glad we are moving soon. Until then we are now locking our doors and I keep checking over my shoulder. Maybe I am overreacting but she made the hair on my neck stand up.


Blogger Me said...

*shudder* I can understand why she'd make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Creepy.

Blogger Paula said...

OK, it sounds like she is suffering from mental illness of some type, perhaps. Not neccessarily a cause for fear, but perhaps for clear boundaries and awareness...

Sometimes people need to hear a clear "I am uncomfortable that you came to my door. I didn't expect to see you here because I didn't invite you." I realize that sounds harsh as I type it, but some people really don't realize when they are being socially awkward. I recommend being polite but clear and firm in your boundaries if she keeps tracking you down and phoning you, etc.

Blogger J T said...

ok, i would freak OUT. after the phone convo, i wouldn't answer the door for 100 years

Blogger Take 2 said...

Interesting story......I definitely agree with Paula on this one for sure.

It does sound like she is confused. I will think more about this one and definitely be praying about it.



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