Thursday, July 13, 2006


So I realize that it doesnt look all that impressive in this photo but it is my first black eye so I had to blog it. Yes, I got punched in the face. It was during a recent soccer match where I was playing with some other women. What can I say, we take things a little serious there. The competition was feirce and so I pulled out all the stops. Yup, I insulted her Daddy. Next thing I know there is fist in my face and I crumple to the ground. Thats when an all out brawl started........Ok so that isnt exactly how it happened. It was during a soccer match with some ladies but it was purely accidental. As I was fighting for a ball with another lady, she slipped and flayeled (sp??) wildly, catching me with a nice fist to the face. I have to admit, it gave me quite a rush. Im not one that goes looking for injury but when I get hurt I get this huge adrenelin rush. It was awsome. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Paula said...

Maybe now that everyone knows how fun ladies soccer is, we'll get a better turnout...I was hoping it would turn black for you!! Everyone should get at least one black eye in their lifetime. My first black-eye was during a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert--talk about a mosh pit!!

Meadow and I are in the parade, but once we get back into our civilian clothes, we are helping hustle boxes for you guys, k?

Blogger J T said...

that just looks like you are really tired...

Blogger Spoke said...

love the foto!

Blogger Spoke said...

PJ got attacked last PM on the pitch. One girl clothes-lined her so the other could drag her by her hair. Her knees are battered...THEY DIDN"T SCORE!!

Blogger Take 2 said...


Makes me want to come out and get banged up too! LOL


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