Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Life

Silent flutterings, So intimate
Hearts beating in complete trust and dependence
Our faces blank strangers
But in an instant
Recognition beyond all comprehension
Every movement a dance of anticipation
My life dedicated to the creation of yours

- Lynnette Stahl


Blogger Spoke said...


Blogger Paula said...

Oh, that is so exactly what feeling that little life is like!

"Who are you?"

Beautiful, Lynette, beautiful!!

Blogger Take 2 said...

Awwww... that poem really is so touching and sweet. New life is so incredible. what a special gift.... you are really embrassing your journey.
Your words bring tears to my eyes.

Love ya.


Blogger Adriel Sebastiaan said...

I find this poem voices what, to me, it would mean to be a great mother. (mind you, I have no experience)
Especially the last line, "My life dedictated to the creation of yours". Very selfless and warm.
It grabs the heart. I love it.
Lynnette, you are a strong voice, very clear!

It's hard to imagine a new face when your first is all you know, eh?


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