Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Best Date Ever

Well this weekend my sweet hubby blew me away with an awesome valentine's present. For all those of you who listen to CKUA, you have probably heard The Old-Disc Jockey. Its a great show that plays big band music from the era of fantastic live dance music. Swing, Jive, all the goodies. Well Mike heard on the show that there was going to be a big band dinner and dance in calgary so he got us tickets to such a great night. We arrived a little early and as we sat at our table we watched everyone arriving. It was 90% gray hairs. We watched them enter with canes and walkers and wondered if anyone would actually dance. Well when that music started we were put to shame. Walkers and canes disapeared and pace makers kicked into high gear. It was amazing to watch all these couples who had obviously been dancing together for decades. It was so inspiring to watch these couples, so obviously still in love and haveing so much fun together. The folks at our table were so sweet and tried to teach us to dance. My generation is clueless.
A highlight of our evening was meeting the Old-disc Jockey himself, John Worthington. What a funny man.

Next year we expect you all to come join us. To hear a sample of the great orchestra look up southern stardust. Sorry I dont know how to make a link.


Blogger Unknown said...

My wife dearly wishes I would learn to dance. I dearly wish she would learn to play the drums.

Anyway, Southern Stardust is here: http://members.shaw.ca/southern.stardust/index.htm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That baby is going to come out jiving at this rate. Perhaps Salem isn't the only one who dances to Cinderella! :)

Blogger J T said...

NICE, I love the 'Old-disk...jockey'. sounds like a good time... Swing Heil

Blogger J T said...

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Blogger Paula said...

Yay!! I am so there!!! Spoke thinks I'd be sad because he doesn't know how to dance, but I'd be happy to be there with him anyway! It would be so fun to dress up and enjoy it!!!

Pacemakers in high gear--hee hee!!

Blogger Stahled said...

Kyle, we rented Swing kids to get us in the mood for the big dance. I totally thought of you and our amazing swing routines back in good old high school. Swing Heil

Blogger Amber said...

Awww what a sweet present! Swing music ROCKS. Old people dancing ROCKS.

Hey, that photo below of Mike and Salem sleeping is awesome. : )

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The show that was recorded that night will be broadcast on CKUA Friday, Feb 23 at 8pm on Monica Miller's "Live From Alberta Stages".

I couldn't read your E-mail from the response form you left at the dance. Send me an E-mail at southern.stardust@shaw.ca if you want to be added to our mailing list.

Glad you enjoyed the evening,


Keith Robson, Southern Stardust Big Band


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