Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Monkeys compete in a cycle race at the 4th annual animal games in Shanghai. More than 300 animals compete in 50 events.

What would you do if you had that much free time?? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa thats crazy! we should all get some monkeys. and race them. now. RIGHT now. or not... that would be greedy. we don't need our "own" monkeys to enjoy watching the chinese ones... plus, I don't think our monkeys would be smart enough anyways. and in china they have smaller monkey-sized bicycles... but everything we have here is made in china too so maybe we can find some. perhaps jojo from the guzoo will suffice. I reckon we can train him to not throw peanuts and rubbish *horrid little beast*, but to provide hours of endless entertainment for the whole town. he could become the kneehill ape. ok, I'm done... back to studies now.!

Blogger Paula said...

I feel bad for the monkeys. They'd obviously rather be playing loud rock music in a garage band.

Blogger J T said...

I think I’d like to teach a budgie a floor routine, all those flips and stuff, that’s cool. But I think the true winner would be a cat that does anything besides being selfish.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had that much free time??? Is there any question? I would get miniature bikes and a bunch of monkeys and have animal olympics! That's been my secret life-long dream! I can't believe someone beat me to it! Crap!

Blogger Spoke said...

Its exploitation! Where are their little helmets? Safety first...

Blogger Jessica said...

Little helmets!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Love it! Seriously love it! I want little helmets and little monkeys riding little bikes. Heck, I'd even take a merecat riding a skateboard! I'm with Daryl on the animal olympics!!! I'm sure I could find some pretty great, little animals in need of exploitation in Thailand. Anyone up for it?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I know what you and Mike have been up to in your spare time...

Blogger Take 2 said...

Spare time.......hmmmm.

Moments without children of all ages harrassing their mother.

All I can say is I would love to make a potion that made all children(siblings included) love each other, never fight and sleep when you want to sleep.

That's what I would invent in my spare time. :-)


Blogger Spoke said...

Spare time is a catch 22 for me. If ever I have it, I fill it. That's why I smoke cigars...I have to sit still long enough to smoke them. Babies, I like hanging out with babies if I have a spare moment. Babies have it all together. Eat, sleep, shite and scream when it don't feel right.


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