Monday, March 12, 2007


So this is what is called Hell week. The week before a performance when you work your butt off to get all the kinks worked out in a show. Im totally panicking. I have never felt so unprepared for a show. The way this show is working is the step mother and step sisters are split into two casts. Three of us perform the fiirst week and then the other three do the second week of performances. What that means is that we only get to rehearse 1/2 as many times as everyone else in the play. Instead of practicing the same scene a few times over so it sticks in your head we only get to try it once and then the other cast does a turn. I am the kind of person who memorizes through repetition. This time there is no repition. Usually the week before a performance I have the entire play running through my head non stop. If something sets it off I cant get it out of my head until I have recited the entire play. This time I cant even remember the lines before and after mine. I feel so incredibly unprepared. It doesnt help being 6 months pregnant. That whole pregnant brain thing is not working in my favour. Neither is the tired by 6 o'clock. I am worried that I cant hold up my end of the bargain. I signed on for this and the directors believed in me. Now I have to step it up.

For all you who already bought tickets, Thanks.... suckers. No just kidding. It will come together in the end. It always does. For those of you who are planning to buy tickets but havent yet, buy them near the end of the week so we have a few performances under our belt. Oh ya and pray for the step mother as she has totally lost her voice. ( hang in the Paula)


Blogger Murray's Corner said...

you're so psycho! it'll be fine.
i on the other hand love that we only have to practice half the time. i know all my lines (it helps that my lines are always pre-cursered by your lines), but it drives me crazy when people don't know their lines this close to the play. i know they will by play night but THAT is what makes me nervous....forgetting lines, or words to songs. you watch, i just said that and now i'm going to be the one to forget a line.

Blogger Amber said...

Stahl - if you want to spout your lines to somebody, I'm game.

Blogger Paula said...

I'd say something here, but I don't want to strain my voice.

*runs off to drink hot lemon juice with honey*

Blogger Murray's Corner said...

uuggghhh, reading your blog last night caused me to have a nightmare about the play last night!! just before our opening act, i realized i had left my shoes on the stage so i had to pretend to be walking in heals.

Blogger Take 2 said...

Keep your chins up ladies... you can do it. I am so excited that you are giving your God given talents.

You will all do amazing. remember you are always your own worst critic.

I can hardly wait we are coming on the 22nd to cheer you on.

Love ya.


Blogger Spoke said...

No sweat, you guys are pros.
As far as PJ goes...I keep thinking I'm in trouble because she isn't speaking to me. It's odd since she NEVER has done the "silent treatment" before.
I'll be at the dress rehearsal with Canon in hand!


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