Sunday, February 25, 2007

Its Over

Just a quick update to thank you all for your prayers and support. My little lady is back to terrorizing the house and I never thought I would be so grateful to see toys scattered everywhere and constantly be rescuing her from some nook or cranny she has gotten herself into. She is slowly putting the weight back on and in a few days she should be back to where she was.

Mike also finished school on friday and so we can begin to get our lives back to normal, whatever that is. That part in the bible where we are told that God will not give you anymore than you can handle proved true this week. God knew I couldnt take another day and he allowed it to end. I cant imagine what parents whose children are critically ill, must go through.

Thanks everyone for caring. All you parents out there who are going through this flu too, I am thinking of you and praying it wont last too long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine have had been sick too, (not quite the same way as S, however) but one is almost better so my little fellow should be soon, too!
Long live healthy children and husbands who are nearby! haha!

Blogger Paula said...

I have to call you. There was a young college student at church yesterday who is offering occasional child care as a ministry, and I thought of you right away. She knows moms need an hour off now and then, and wants to do this as her ministry for school. Sound intriguing??? LOL!! I'm glad things are getting better.

Blogger Murray's Corner said...

Hey Minerva!
So I found your blog and they were good reads. Glad Salem is back to normal. I havn't hit that part of motherhood yet, but it's bound to happen I know. Not lookin forward to that.

Blogger Spoke said...

It's good to see them up and running again isn't it? lets try to recall these times when we want them "out-of-our-hair". HA

Blogger Take 2 said...

I am so relieved that lil babes is doing well. Poor sweet girl... you are an amazing mom. Never forget that you are the most amazing mom for lil sweetie pie.

It is something how we take for granted our children's health until they are ill and then we truly ponder how difficult and sad it is for terminally ill children. Thanks for that reminder.

Love ya.



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