Monday, March 19, 2007


Today marks 4 years from the Bush led invasion into Iraq. Obviously nothing has been solved and more lives are lost daily. Lets take a minute to remember all the lives that have been taken on all sides. Take a minute to pray that the powers that be will make the tough decisions to put an end to all the blood shed.


Blogger Unknown said...

In our family there were no solidiers, the closest relative being the brother of one Grandma and we didn't know him at all other than from the occasional family reunion. We were never discouraged from joining the military, it was just never discussed either way.

I know that I briefly considered it in high school and even attended a recruiting workshop. It never went farther than that, mostly because I knew it wasn't the right life for raising a family.

At this point in my life I regret not having pursued it further, especially after having waited so long to start our family. I know I would have made a good soldier, maybe even an officer. Its one path of life that if I had a chance to do differently, I probably would. My time is past now though, even the reserves are more than I can take on.

I often wonder though if my son will become a soldier. I know that I will raise him to respect the military and their necessary role in the world and someday, if he chooses it, I would support him in becoming a soldier.

And then I would live every day in fear of the knock at the door.

Blogger Spoke said...

Amen girl.
Love God, love your neibour.
Bush wasn't looking for weapons, the world knows that full well now! He was looking for oil.
Soldiers don't usually die at home....


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