Monday, April 02, 2007

Jesus Freaks

This weekend held a few surprises for Mike and I and I want to share this with you all. Every once in awhile a group of us have been rounding up clothes and blankets and then driving to downtown Calgary to distribute them and hopefully share a little Jesus. I only tell you this to give a little background. I have to admit that each time I really dont feel like going. The thing is that in our small town the word has got out that we do this and now bags of clothes come in regularly and so we have to keep taking them in. Even the local thrift store puts aside bags for us. My parents have come home to find bag fulls on their doorstep because people dont necessarily know how to get ahold of Mike and I.

Well as the clothes have been piling up I have been putting off the trip. Every time we end up Going some amazing connections are made and God does some cool stuff, and yet every time, I dont want to go.

Well this saturday my mom called us up and said that she had had a dream that night and that the homeless were asking for us to come, right away. The next day happened to be her birthday and for it she wanted to go in with us and see what this was all about. I desperately didnt want to go, but its moms birthday and this is what she wanted.

We loaded up the car and the closer we got to the city the more I dreaded it. The weather was miserable, snowing, sleeting, windy. I didnt want to get out of the car. We got to our usual spot to set up and talked to a few of the homeless guys. They were good and didnt need anything so they told us of a spot in the park that we could maybe pass out a few things. When we got there, there was a group with tables set up giving out food and they had flags every where saying Jesus loves you. We had second thoughts about stopping but decided to try and team up with whoever this organization was. They were just cleaning up to leave so we got to talking with them and I have to say I dont think our lives will ever be the same.

These guys are know as Street Church. Every sunday they set up and feed as many people as come and they run a church service right there in the most dangerous part of the city. These men are a modern day Peter and Paul. They preach straight up Jesus and nothing else matters. They get knives and guns pulled on them regularly. Twice people have come to assassinate them and both times the assassins fell on there knees and chose Jesus. These men have watched people die in front of them. Just a few weeks ago there was a double homicide at one of their meetings.

The part that blows me away is that not only are they facing opposition from drug dealers who dont want them converting their clients, they are also facing down against police and the city officials who have taken away their permits and told them to stop preaching. The one fellow we met with Art, is facing prison time in May for preaching and holding these meetings without permits. Right here in Calgary!!! This isnt China or the middle east, this is our back yard!

These men are so filled with the Holy Spirit that they are fearless. They are casting out demons and baptizing people in the bow river. Their lives are on the line all the time and they just cant keep their mouths shut. They are living the book of ACTS. People are being healed, addictions are being broken, Jesus is moving. He is the same Jesus of the bible, He is the same in China as He is in Africa as He is in Canada. The same yesterday, today and forever.

Mike and I are so excited to be able to join our little clothing ministry with what has already been established. This sunday they are doing a huge Easter Celebration in which they will feed over 3000 people and be sharing Jesus with them all. There will be testimonies and preaching and major spiritual warfare.

God knew that we needed to be there yesterday so that we could connect with Street Church and get involved with next weekends celebration and battle. We are so excited to watch God moving and putting peices together in our lives.
Please cover us in prayer as we dont want to lose this fire. For more info please check out


Blogger Paula said...

Well, that sure beats the cast party!

Blogger Adriel Sebastiaan said...

I have found that when I don't feel like doing something "selfless-ish", it is because the devil is doing everything in his power to stop the will of God in my life.
It is amazing to see God work so actively in your lives. He is the same God as in Acts and we should count it a pleasure to be persecuted while following Him. (I know that is easy to say)
I'll be keeping you and Mike in prayer as you follow God's leading in your life.

Things are rapidly changing in our makes me think of that old song...
"People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear them diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord."

He's coming back and people need to know to get ready!

Blogger Murray's Corner said...

holy cow! it's good that you guys went yesterday too because of this nasty horrible weather! homeless people probably appreciate new, warm, clean clothes to keep warm in all this snow!

Blogger wil said...


Blogger Spoke said...

Love it!!!!

Blogger jenivere said...

I hope you guys are encouraged in this and all that God can do through you and your willingness to follow. This is awesome!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus is alive. Hey everyone - what Lynette is saying is true... It was like stepping into the NT. Remember to pray for these guys! I wrote an entry on this as well. I think everyone who went on this trip was surprised & affected by it.


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