Monday, November 27, 2006

Married ???

My baby Brother got married this weekend in Kelowna. We flew out the night before the big nuptuals which meant that I didnt get to see him until at the wedding. Next thing I know there is my little brother whom I have only seen about 4 times in the last few years up on stage officially married to a girl I have met once. I dont know if I have ever been to a wedding where I knew so few people in the wedding. The flower girl, my brother's new daughter I had met once, Never seen the pastor or any of the wedding party before. All of this is fairly normal when it isnt your family getting married. It was a fairly crazy day. I expected to be quite emotional through it all as I usually cry at weddings and I am 3 months pregnant. I should have been bawling all day. Nothing, Not a tear. It was weird. I guess I am just blogging this to help it sink in that it actually happened. Ihave a new sister-in-law and neice and my little brother is a man. Hmmmm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd the picture taking go of all these strangers?


Blogger Take 2 said...

Funny our emotions sometimes. It must have felt strange not knowing many of the folks involved with the wedding.

Your lil bro is beginning a new exciting journey. One with challenges of a step daugther but with God's help he will be fine.

Glad you flew and did not have to deal with the crappy roads. Phew.

Glad to hear you made it home safely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the up side, it was nice to get to see you! Despite the full house we really enjoyed having you guys here. Hopefully it won't be too long before you can come out and stay again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least they invited you. I think I just showed up at my brother's wedding...HA


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