Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Before and After

Here is a couple shots of my kitchen in the before and almost after stage. I still need to paint more black trim and add some decorations to break it up. So far though, this is what I've got.


We affectionately called the colour Corpse

The vibrant Jewelled Peach


Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely! I wanna see some shots of Salem's room too though.

Blogger Paula said...

Let's see..."vibrant" or "corpse"...I think you've made the right choice! I love the color, it is so warm and welcoming.

Blogger Take 2 said...

Yah for the beautiful new paint on the walls. I love it....

I need to come and see it in person too.

Blogger Braden said...

Hey, love the colors, I guess we'll have to make it a family trip to come out and see your place.

Blogger Spoke said...

We shoulda put that border paper back up...it was, ummmm, inspiring!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

we'll all be over on those dreary days when it's all blah outside, for a little brightening up. I've been wanting to paint my living room for 3 years and it is still what you would call "corpse" coloured!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Lynnette! A $30 can of paint sure packs a lot of punch! It's not just a color, it's a flavor, a mood, a statement of character. It's awesome! Good on ya!

A few posts back you wrote that you didn't update cause you thought your life was boring...and maybe it seems that way to you, but YOU, my dear, are not boring. We don't read to see what an exciting week you've had. We read to know YOU, because YOU are worth knowing. YOU are interesting, and talented, and fun!



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