Thursday, January 25, 2007


I have lately discovered that there are actually a few people who read this blog. I was very surprised. I have also received several comments saying that they would read more often if I ever actually updated. So I feel an explanation is in order for my lack of blog presence. First off I feel that my life is rather dull so why bother boring others with it. Then I guess if you find my blog boring you just dont have to read it. Problem solved.
Secondly I have so little time to actually sit and write anything when there isnt a little person who wants to sit in my lap and add their own two bits. Today though I seem to have few minutes of peace in which I will try and update.

A few entries back I was whining about life and that there was nothing particularly fulfilling in my days. Since then I have decided to take the advice of many of you and get off my duff and do something about it. First off, I started painting. First there was my daughters room. I painted bright yellow walls, with green grass and flowers along the bottom and then added a large butterfly to the mix. I intend to add some lady bugs and other creatures in the near future. Now if the doesnt help to drop the resale value on the house I took things a step further. I (with great help from Spoke) painted my kitchen BRIGHT orange. Technically its called " Jewelled Peach" but really its just crazy orange.(photos to come) Now I am working on slowly painting all the trim black. I have to say, I love it. It feels incredibly good to go ahead and do something that I want to do even though I have been faced with skepticism from several sources. It has been so freeing. I am totally on a roll right now. I actually feel like I can make some bigger goals and actually accomplish something.

Another venture I have taken on is a return to the theatre. I decided to audition for the community production of Cinderella even though I was pretty sure there wouldnt be a part for someone with a quickly growing belly. Well surprise surprise there was actually a part written for a "stout" evil stepsister. I get to play "Minerva" a clueless, abnoxous stepsister with a bit of a weight issue. Im super excited. If you happen to be here for the second last week in March. Come check us out.

So all in all, life is a little more positive now. Thanks to all who have suported me through all this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog! We're so far away that hearing about your "dull life" is still a little fresh air from home.

I've been thinking about doing some painting too. We're planning to do a Noah's Ark theme for Shyloh's room. Not being much of an artist though I think we'll just blow up a picture from a coloring book and trace that on the wall.

I think we'll be there a little before March so I won't get to see you in the drama, but I am very glad that you're getting involved again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dahling, the theatah suits you.

And I love your orange kitchen.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would have ever guessed that Lynnette would be playing a girl with a weight issue...

Blogger Amber said...

Lynette, the orange wall rules! Let me know if you get the 'stones'. Congrats about the part in the play - that sounds awesome. We have to hang out again sometime soon. Say hi to the Braver of Ledges for me. (ie. Salem) : )

Blogger Take 2 said...


Hoorah for bright, warm colours. I love the fact you had the guts to paint a colour that you love and inspires you, that actually makes you happy and brings out the passion for life. Okay maybe you don't feel passionate most days but you know what I mean.

Life is too short to worry about what others think of our paint colours, our decorating, how we dress, what we drink, eat or whatever.

You rock. Keep smilin and keep allowing your creativity to flow into YOUR HOME. '
Love ya,


Blogger Spoke said...

You people are fun! Non-white is the best colour!!!!


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