Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Boots

Pointy stick $0
Bright pink boots $11
Watching your child's first experience of spring PRICELESS
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Blogger Amber said...

Do the pink boots give Salem enough confidence to tackle "inclines" and "declines" with a single step? She's basically the cutest kid ever.

Blogger Adriel Sebastiaan said...

There is just so much to discover. I remember being 10ish and heading down the ravine in Queenston, the adventures were never ending,(even more exciting after watching Robin Hood on Friday night movie night).

Salem is your daughters name?
She looks like a Wilson.

Blogger Spoke said...

Funny,in her literally massive world, she doesn't even realize how safe she is with you. She looks so little out there.

Blogger Paula said...

Yay for pink boots!!! I have lame rubber boots. I want cool ones, too!!!

Blogger Stahled said...

Amber, You'd be so proud of her, She plays a game she calls "up and down". (Use your imagination)It keeps her going for hours.


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