Monday, November 26, 2007


so Jenivere tagged me and now Im suppose to tell 7 random or weird facts about myself.
Hmmmm where to start.
1. My elbows can at about a 25 degree angle backwards
2. I can dislocated my middle toe and put it back. I used to do it when I was losing a wrestling match to throw my opponent off. ex. my brothers or friends
3 Until about 2 and a half years ago, I was petrified to be in a room with just women. I was terrified they would talk about something girlie like cooking or make up and I wouldnt have a clue how to enter the conversation. Then I had a baby. Now I have something to talk about that only women can understand
4. If I was better at math I would be a carpenter. I love working with my hands and the smell of fresh cut wood makes me feel totally at home. I also love to be totally dirty so it looks like I actually did something
5. I hate chaos and mess yet you would never know it if you came to my house. It is always a disaster because I am a terrible housekeeper. I never put things away where they belong and I just throw things aside wherever. Then one day I snap and go nuts cleaning and organizing everything in sight. By the next day you wouldnt know that I had spent a whole day cleaning
6. I once got really mad at my friend Chris and kicked him in the shin. I got a bruise, He was fine.
7. Im afraid of technology. Ive never used an ipod and only learned a year ago how to use a cell phone. I still dont know how to text message or access the internet.

So there you have it
I tag Doug and Jessica


Blogger Unknown said...

Great. Thanks for tagging me. No really. I mean it. Thanks.



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