Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I have found that I have become increasingly "dumber" the longer Ive been out of school. Its my 10 year reunion this summer so that means I have been out of school almost as long as I was in. 12 years to learn things and 10 to unlearn them. I believe that puts me back to about a grade 2 level.
I found that I have started stuttering when I talk to people. I actually seem to be losing my ability to communicate. I will try to tell someone something and I cant even form a sentence. Its there on the tip of my tongue but when I open my mouth it spills out in all the wrong order. A mass of scrambled verbs, adjectives and nouns. ( I am rather surprised that I remember those terms as Im pretty sure I didnt learn those till at least grade 3) I have decided to write a little everyday as to work on my communication skills. I suppose it would probably be more beneficial to actually talk to a fellow human being, but it is hard to press backspace or delete when you are talking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes words tumble out of my mouth and in my mind I'm suddenly thinking, "What the heck am I talking about?"

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.

Blogger Unknown said...

Two posts in as many days! You must have some free time again!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed that I'm starting to stutter a lot too lately! I'm also glad I'm not the only one...

And glad that you're back here!


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