Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Self made chains and safety belts
Bubble wrap and padded walls
Nothings going to hurt me

Close it out, lock it up
Hide away, cover up
Nothings going to touch me

Stay in charge
Be in control
Don't feel, Don't breathe
Don't taste what life has to give

Never step outside the box
Stifle dreams and all desires
Remember that its selfish to be free

If it feels too good it must be wrong
Self sacrifice is all there is
Marge it up
Thats how you gotta live

Cant breathe, Hearts pounding
All my walls are closing in
Why am I so afraid to live

So stifled in my little box
Find a cliff
To jump way off

Taste the world that around me waits
Stretch my arms
Rip down the gates

Detach, untangle,strip right down
Smash the glass and breathe fresh air
Do what I really wanna do


Blogger Grandma K said...

the Truth will set you free!
I tend to hear and believe Lies instead of Truth but when one tastes true Freedom...... makes me want more!
You said it well, very well!
Thank you!

Blogger toomanywhatifs said...

Ahhhh... Beautiful girl... It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us FREE!!!

Freedom IS the WILL of God! That's got to count for something! To pursue freedom IS to pursue GOD! I believe that God values freedom above ALL else... even human life... even the life of his own Son.

Pursue it! Grab it! Beg God for it! Dance in it! "I came that you may have LIFE!!!! and have it MORE abundantly!!!"

Thanks for letting me in... your poetry is beautiful...your heart is beautiful...

much love


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