Monday, June 26, 2006

The Voice

I had a big idea one day
Its happened once or twice
I dreamed of flying to the sea
A new land to explore.

We'd rent a little motorhome
Our tiny house on wheels
Breathing deep the ocean breezes
While sipping on a Keith's

And just as I could hear
The celtic music in my head
It was quickly interrupted
By that little voice again

" Let's bring it down a notch.
You're not made of money,
Gas prices are ridiculous,
Have you thought of rental costs?"

I found myself agreeing
To that voice inside my head
And once again I laid to rest
Another dream, quite dead

That's when I got to thinking
Who spoke those words so cruel?
It was a voice I'd heard before
When I was in grade school

It started out so subtle
Just a whisper in my ear
It said things like," you're not big enough,
Try again next year"

That little whisper grew much louder
Throughout the next few years
My steadiest companion
As my friends all chose careers

"You weren't cut out for such a life.
What happens if you fail?
You're really not that talented.
It's better if you bail"

And suddenly I realized
So many things I've missed
My life was slowly passing by
This made me really ...mad

There were all the trips I'd never took
The friendships I'd passed by
Had all my life been dominated
By a great big lie?

So I was left to ponder
What should I do with this
There is so much more to life
That I don't want to miss

Now slowly as the days go by
That voice begins to dim
And I can hear a pennywhistle
Faintly singing out a hymn
