Friday, December 12, 2008


Disclaimer: This blog contains negativite and sarcastic comments that may offend some super moms. It will not likely leave the reader feeling happy or uplifted in anyway. If you still feel like reading it, go ahead but dont say I didnt warn you.

As the seasons change to cold again, we prepare to seal up the house for the impending wind and snow, We are sealing our windows with unattractive plastic. We make sure our doors close tightly. Sometimes I wonder if we are really keeping out the cold or just locking ourselves in. Winter comes and with it comes snow suits mittens and boots. It now takes twice as long to get the kids out of the house, which means we go out half as often. Whole days go by that I never feel fresh air on my face. I hate winter. I like it for the first week when you just feel cozy and festive, but then it quickly turns to a feeling of trapped. I feel like there is the same seasons in life. I think Im in winter there too. I find that I am so frustrated with what I cant do. I run like a hamster on a wheel, everyday the same. I get up and all the things I cleaned yesterday are already dirty. It doesnt matter that I cooked Three meals the day before, I still have to do it again today. I never seem to get ahead. I see stay home moms that seem to flourish. You know the kind. The ones who make fun crafts with their kids in their lovely decorated, clean homes in their stylish clothes that they found at some amazing bargain. and in their spare time they scrapbook or make homemade jewelery.How do they do it. Is it just because they have super complacent children who never make messes or break things or climb the walls. Do they have degrees in early childhood education. Maybe I need to read more parenting magazines. I love my kids. I really do. I want to give them the best. I just pull my hair out trying to do it. (speaking of which how do they get time to get their haircut) Alright so maybe Im going a little overboard. Its just that when winter hits, so does my depression. There are things I would love to fit into my life but Im not sure how to do it in the present place we are living. I would like to take a photography class, an art class for those who always wanted to but never thought they would be good enough so they dont even know the basics, an excercise class. As far as I know none of these are available here right now. I need to find something to get me off my sorry, self pitying, buttox or its going to be a very long winter.


Blogger Grandma K said...

Do you have any idea how you have clearly articulated the feelings of so many, many Canadian moms who live in this frigid, lacking in daylight hours country?
I think adding some Vitamin D to my daily dose of calcium, vit. E, flaxseed oil, etc,etc, .... you get the point.... has done a bit to help the depression.
I don't have little kids now but your description brings waves of memories.......
The days will be getting longer in a week. This too, will pass...... and your kids will grow up, I promise! But I also know that reassurance does not help in the moment......

Blogger Russell & Katie said...

Dear Lynnette,
It's summer here, and I am in a bit of a slump too... it's so hard getting motivated to do all those boring things again... (and I have been thinking about getting my haircut for the last couple of months too!) What I try to do at my grumpiest moments is inflict me & my children's company on someone else for a few hours!!! haha... today it was my Nana. :-) I think she survived the ordeal!
Anyways, I'm thinking and praying for you.... and I understand some of those feelings, even at 28 C.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get the craft thing either. Despite my best intentions, Ephram still hasn't played with play-dough...the easiest "crafty" thing. I'm just not built for it.


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