Thursday, July 13, 2006


So I realize that it doesnt look all that impressive in this photo but it is my first black eye so I had to blog it. Yes, I got punched in the face. It was during a recent soccer match where I was playing with some other women. What can I say, we take things a little serious there. The competition was feirce and so I pulled out all the stops. Yup, I insulted her Daddy. Next thing I know there is fist in my face and I crumple to the ground. Thats when an all out brawl started........Ok so that isnt exactly how it happened. It was during a soccer match with some ladies but it was purely accidental. As I was fighting for a ball with another lady, she slipped and flayeled (sp??) wildly, catching me with a nice fist to the face. I have to admit, it gave me quite a rush. Im not one that goes looking for injury but when I get hurt I get this huge adrenelin rush. It was awsome. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006


So I have officially started the moving process. I started packing boxes and have phoned all the utility companies to get things switched over. 9 days till we officially own our very own house. Well what I should say is that we will officially be the proud owners of a stack of papers saying the we owe the bank our lives and in exchange they are letting us live in a house we can paint without asking anyone's permission. Either way, I'm stoked (yup I just said stoked).So anyways I need to go pack more boxes of materialistic crap that we have managed to accumulate over the last 2 years. You start realizing what you are really attatched to when you start sorting through all the piles found in the deepest darkest corners of your closets. Posted by Picasa