Monday, November 27, 2006

Married ???

My baby Brother got married this weekend in Kelowna. We flew out the night before the big nuptuals which meant that I didnt get to see him until at the wedding. Next thing I know there is my little brother whom I have only seen about 4 times in the last few years up on stage officially married to a girl I have met once. I dont know if I have ever been to a wedding where I knew so few people in the wedding. The flower girl, my brother's new daughter I had met once, Never seen the pastor or any of the wedding party before. All of this is fairly normal when it isnt your family getting married. It was a fairly crazy day. I expected to be quite emotional through it all as I usually cry at weddings and I am 3 months pregnant. I should have been bawling all day. Nothing, Not a tear. It was weird. I guess I am just blogging this to help it sink in that it actually happened. Ihave a new sister-in-law and neice and my little brother is a man. Hmmmm