Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I realize that it has been many months since my last entry. Ive been trying to decide how best to break my blog silence and thought about typing some excuses. Instead Im just going to pick up with no apologies and tell of todays events which have caused me to break my silence.

Today while doing some quick shopping at the local IGA I happened to notice a woman slipping items into her large jacket. She is a woman I have seen walking past my house several times a day but have never actually spoken to besides the occasional "HI". She is obviously not well off and I would venture to say that she is below the poverty line. So here begins my dilemma. What would you do?

This is what I would like to say I did.
I quietly walked up to her, smiled kindly and told her to put her items in my cart. Then I paid for them with no one knowing and then gave them to her outside. She thanked me and then I shared Jesus with her and how he has paid for much bigger debts for all of us.

This is what I actually did.
I froze. I stood there contemplating my next move. I didnt want to condone stealing. Maybe my eyes had deceived me and she wasnt really putting things in her jacket. She confirmed it by adding another item. Then I watched as she began walking out the store.
I wish this is where the story ended but its not. I then turned to one of the managers who was standing near by, oblivious. I told him what I had seen. He quickly followed her but she slipped out the store. He turned into the office and I saw him tell a few of the other people in the office. There was suddenly 3 people with their faces pressed against the glass watching as the woman and her husband climbed into a beat up old truck and drove away.

I live in a small town. You see the same people on a regular basis. I will see this woman walk by my house many more times. She will go to the only grocery store many more times and will be recognized and watched like a hawk. I dont know why I told on her. It was one of those moments that I didnt realize what I was doing until the deed was done. I now feel very guilty. Was I wrong? Should I have just ignored it? What should I do if I see this woman again? What would you do? Id love to hear some thoughts on this.