Monday, September 11, 2006

my purpose

So maybe I am just hormonal or something but lately I have to admit I have been having a rough go of it. I love being a wife and Mommy ( my amazing daughter turns one on sunday and is walking all over the place) but I feel like I am not really fulfilling my purpose in life. Maybe my purpose is to do laundry and make sure my family eats enough vitamins so that they can fulfill THEIR purposes but if that is really all I am meant to do shouldn't I enjoy it a little more.

A few weeks ago we had some dear friends over who prayed with us and prophesied over us. We were told that God has big things in store for us but we have a false humility that is holding us back from fulfilling that potential. I dont know what to do with that information. I wish I knew what it was that God was asking us to do. I wish I could find things to do that used my gifts. I wish I knew what my gifts were.

I need a hobby. I need something I actually enjoy doing. Sure there are things I want to do. It just seems like they all cost money. They all seem selfish too. Im going to list them anyways and if you feel led you can comment on whether or not they are selfish. Here goes
1 take voice lessons (cost)
2 learn photography (need a decent camera)
3 acting (takes time away from family)
4 paint my house (cost, is it being materialistic to spend $ decorating a perfectly good, albeit ugly house?)

I was playing soccer twice a week (see previous blog) and that was fantastic. When I was playing I wasnt a mom, or a wife. I was just me burning off all the stress of my days and laughing it up with a bunch of ladies who were doing the same thing. Well, I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago in an unfortunate spying incident, and have not been able to play anymore. My poor husband now gets all my stressful outbursts instead. Thus the reason I am blogging. Maybe if I get all this off my chest before he comes home I wont have to wreck his day. Well I must run. Its that time of day where I once again need to feed my family.