Thursday, March 29, 2007


Yesterday our local newspaper published a review about our portrayal of Rodgers and Hammerstein's " Cinderella. I've never had a review mention me specifically before so I thought I would share his wonderful comments with you all.
" Week one has had Lynnette Stahl and Kristal Murray playing Minerva (stepsister #1) and Caliope(stepsister #2) who both give a new definition to ugly...and funny."
A new definition to ugly! That means we dont even fit current ugly. They had to make up a NEW definition to fit us. Oh ya ... and then we were funny!
The paper then goes onto describe the music of the musical
"It is a musical and the blending of voices is really good. Jason and Candice or any of the other solos and duets are "right on". Even the "Stepsister's La
ment" is "perfect" (Not exactly beautiful, but perfect nonetheless)"
So I have to say that this was pretty much the greatest thing anyone has ever said about me. So here are some photos and you can be the judge ( at least of the ugly part)Stepmother played by the talented Paula Spurr
bottom 3 photos by Spoke

Friday, March 23, 2007

Prosperous Alberta

What is the deal with this amazing prosperous provence we live in. We are constantly being told how much money there is here and how well everyone is doing. Well all you have to do is look outside and you are bombarded with new vehicles everywhere. You try to drive down the highway and even if you are speeding, six brand new half tons will fly past you on there way to dig up our land in search of black gold. Mike is a carpenter and these guys are run off their feet trying to keep up with the demand for bigger and better houses, to store bigger and better stuff.
So here's the clincher, the cost of living is going so high that there are homeless people in Calgary that make $25 an hour. What?? Arent homeless people drunks and drug addicts that dont work(please note my sarcasm) What about all the parents who have to work crazy insane hours and never see their children so that their kids can grow up with the best toys and clothes? How about all the little companies shutting down because they cant afford to pay employees what the oil patch does so no one wants to work for them?

We have watched so many families and marriages disintigrate lately because Dad is gone for weeks on end to make the big oil money so his wife can go shopping to buy happiness. In one family we are close to, the mother told her 3 year old to run to Daddy. He ran right past and went to his uncle. What does that tell you?

Please tell me how this is a prosperous provence. As kids grow up with out family they make their own families, They call them gangs. They look for safety and support with a bunch of kids who have no idea what either of those things are. Our crime rates are just going to keep rising when there is no one around to teach kids morals, When there is no one to show them that love cant be bought at A&B Sound or a car dealership. What about suicide and drug rates when parents are meant to feel like failures because they cant afford the things that "the common Albertan" has.

Its time to rethink prosperity

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Boots

Pointy stick $0
Bright pink boots $11
Watching your child's first experience of spring PRICELESS
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Monday, March 19, 2007


Today marks 4 years from the Bush led invasion into Iraq. Obviously nothing has been solved and more lives are lost daily. Lets take a minute to remember all the lives that have been taken on all sides. Take a minute to pray that the powers that be will make the tough decisions to put an end to all the blood shed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fun with Mr Potato Head

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Monday, March 12, 2007


So this is what is called Hell week. The week before a performance when you work your butt off to get all the kinks worked out in a show. Im totally panicking. I have never felt so unprepared for a show. The way this show is working is the step mother and step sisters are split into two casts. Three of us perform the fiirst week and then the other three do the second week of performances. What that means is that we only get to rehearse 1/2 as many times as everyone else in the play. Instead of practicing the same scene a few times over so it sticks in your head we only get to try it once and then the other cast does a turn. I am the kind of person who memorizes through repetition. This time there is no repition. Usually the week before a performance I have the entire play running through my head non stop. If something sets it off I cant get it out of my head until I have recited the entire play. This time I cant even remember the lines before and after mine. I feel so incredibly unprepared. It doesnt help being 6 months pregnant. That whole pregnant brain thing is not working in my favour. Neither is the tired by 6 o'clock. I am worried that I cant hold up my end of the bargain. I signed on for this and the directors believed in me. Now I have to step it up.

For all you who already bought tickets, Thanks.... suckers. No just kidding. It will come together in the end. It always does. For those of you who are planning to buy tickets but havent yet, buy them near the end of the week so we have a few performances under our belt. Oh ya and pray for the step mother as she has totally lost her voice. ( hang in the Paula)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Spring Glorious Spring Marvelous Spring

Yes there is green grass in that mix
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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sweet Sunshine

The sun has finally made an appearance and I havent felt this free and happy in months. I just looked at the thermometre in the shade and it reads 11celcius. Thus I will waste no more time on this computer. I am going to wake the munchkin from her slumber and walk outside until I am forced by the cool of night to return to the cave of my home. SPRING!!!!!